Type of Courses *
NCVT ITI - Trade (Electrician / Fitter)PBSSD Free Courses (Fitter / Electrician / Tally / Computer-Hardware / Mobile-Handset-RepairingMotor Training Courses - 100Km / 150Km / 200Km / 250Km
Trade / Course Name *
UID / Aadhar No *
Candidate Name *
Father's Name *
Mother's Name *
Religion *
Category *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Language Known *
General Qualification *
Prof. Qualification *
Addl. Qualification *
Communication Address *
City *
District *
State *
STD Code *
Phone *
Mobile *
Email *
Local Guardian Name *
Occupation *
Designation *
Organization *
Contact Number*
Attach Candidate Photo *
Attach Candidate Valid Document *

I here by allow that someone from Naihati Pvt ITI may call/contact the candidate for further proceedings.